Monday, 12 January 2015

My Spinning Wheel Journey

Here is my lovely spinning wheel. This is a second hand spinning wheel from a supplier who restores and reconditions spinning wheels.  I've never had one before and did not have any idea about using it, but luckily I was given a couple of spinning books for Christmas so have been able to work out what to do.
My lovely husband gave me five different hand dyed spinning wools that he picked up on a visit to Canada. I've started spinning these wools and am knitting an afgan to see what the hand spun wool looks like.  So far so good, I am please with how the wool has spun up, both thick and thin and how it looks when knitted.

My next project is to spin fleece. 

I managed to get hold of a Jacob sheep fleece, which is white, brown, grey and black wool, but have not unpacked it yet as it smells a bit like a farmyard. As soon as the weather is better I will unpack, wash and prepare the sheep fleece.

Also had great fun when I visited a local Alpaca farm and managed to get a variety of different colour Alpaca fleece.  I'm now busy preparing and spinning the Alpaca fleece. Unlike sheep fleece, which needs to be washed before preparing and spinning, Alpaca fleece can be spun straight from the fleece. 

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